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A Few Important Items To Add To Your Emergency Prepper Kit

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If you are the type of person who is always prepared in an emergency, then your latest hobby may be becoming a doomsday prepper. If you are entirely new to this sort of thing, then you should know that an emergency kit is the most important thing that you will need to create. The kit should be one that is kept with you at all times to help yourself and your family if there is a need. However, there are a few often forgotten things that you may not think to include in your kit. Keep reading to learn about a few.

Manual Can Opener

If you have ever watched one of those end of the world movies and have seen a number of survivors trying desperately to open some canned goods, then you may very well understand that a can opened is important to your survival. According to the USDA, many canned items can last up to five years before they start to go bad. Obviously, the goods are going to be your go to for food. 

When it comes to a can opener, there are a few things you should look for. One with stainless steel teeth is a must to ensure that rust does not accumulate on the device. Also, a side cut opener is ideal since it will not come into contact with the food in the can. This can help to reduce contamination and the spread of bacteria. One with either a pincher on top or a magnet can make for easy opening as well. 

Just to be safe, invest in two can openers, or better yet, buy a swiss army knife with a can opener to use as a backup. Make sure to learn to use it before an emergency situation arises, since they are a bit difficult to get the hang of. 

Hand-Crank Radio

Radios are a must if you want to listen in to news broadcasts so you can easily understand when the emergency has passed. However, battery powered ones are not the best idea. While batteries can last up to 10 years if they are stored properly, you probably do not have ideal storage to retain power in batteries over the long haul. 

Instead of a battery operated radio, go with a hand crank variety instead. These radios allow you to turn a crank that creates mechanical power and turns it into stores electrical power. The batteries can be continually cranked as they run out of juice and you will not have to worry about your power needs. Go with a radio with an emergency light too in case you need an extra light in your bunker. Places like Koontz Hardware can help you with your supply needs.
